2020年12月15日 (星期二)
15 December 2020 (Tuesday)
下午4時至5時 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
語言:廣東話 Language: Cantonese
詳情及登記 Details & Registration:www.greencouncil.org/gc20
20年來,環保促進會一直關注並推動香港的環境保護和可持續發展。適逢二十周年紀念,本會特別舉辦題為「Sustainability = Green?」的網上論壇,邀請了多位積極推動可持續發展的業界先驅出席,分享及探討不同持分者如何能帶動香港整體的可持續發展。
In the past 20 years, the Green Council has always been devoted to fostering environmental protection and sustainable development in Hong Kong. On the 20th Anniversary of Green Council, the “Sustainability = Green?” Forum will be held which brings together sustainability pioneers to share ideas onhow different stakeholders can foster the overall sustainable development of Hong Kong.
講者 Panellists
Mr. Shih Wing-ching, JP 施永青先生,JP
Chairperson, Green Council 環保促進會主席
Ms Linda W P Ho 何惠萍女士 (Moderator 主持)
Chief Executive Officer, Green Council 環保促進會行政總幹事
Mr. Wong Kam-sing, GBS, JP 黃錦星先生,GBS,JP
Secretary for the Environment, HKSAR Government 香港特別行政區政府 環境局局長
Ms Gilly Wong Fung-han 黃鳳嫺女士
Chief Executive, Consumer Council 消費者委員會總幹事
Ms Ellie Tang 鄧業煒女士
Head of Sustainability, New World Development 新世界發展可持續發展主管