
香港特別行政區政府環境局局長黃錦 星先生(左四),環保促進會主席施永青先生(左三) ,環保促進會行政總幹事何惠萍女士(右三) 和創始成員的代表出席2018年7月12日「可持續採購約章」的成立典禮。

成員訪問了煤氣公司在北角的總部,該大廈獲得了BEAM Plus的鉑金級評級。這座大廈包括不同的環保設施,成員參觀了其24小時客戶服務熱線中心,調度中心和屋頂有機農場。參觀後,煤氣公司亦分享了他們的可持續採購經驗。

成員於2019年10月9日和15日訪問了位於北大嶼山小蠔灣O-Park1,是香港首個有機資源回收中心。O Park是由香港特別行政區政府環境保護署委託進行的環保設施,用於回收源頭分離的有機物廢物(廚餘),轉化為有用的產品,例如電和堆肥,從而最大程度地減少了垃圾堆填區的處理要求。

Sustainable Procurement Webinar 2021
World global supply chain put to the test - Will it last?
This webinar aims at exploring the reasons, mechanisms, and consequences of the current rates increase in sea- freight by more than 10 times, as well as the global supply chain in general (Sea transportation, Air transportation, Rail transportation, Truck transportation) currently being put under stress.
Speaker: Mr. Nicolas de LOISY, President, SCMO
Language: English
Sustainable Procurement Webinar 2021 -
Creating positive impacts on SDGs through procurement
This webinar aims at introducing the procurement strategies and practices which could be integrated in procurement and supply chain management for creating positive sustainability impacts and value for your organization. Procurement professionals could be one of the major enablers for contributing to 17 SDGs.
Speaker: Mr. Felix Lam, Head of Sustainability, Green Council
Language: Cantonese
Webinar : Plastic Rethink: Avoid Burden Shifting & Greenwashing
Date: 20th January 2021 (Wed)
Time: 15:30 - 17:00
Format: Webinar
Language: English
Details: Click Here
English Version Only
主持 : 林偉明先生,環保促進會可持續發展總監
講者 :
Supply Chain Sustainability 2020+: What’s IN? What’s OUT?
Topics & Speakers :
" Don’t just tick the box. Transform procurement through sustainability "
Ms Di Harn Yeh, Account Executive-Greater China & SE Asia, EcoVadis
" Global Supply Chain impacts on Sustainability "
Mr. Nicolas de Loisy, President of SCMO - Supply Chain Management Outsource
" Sustainable procurement: How to get stakeholders buy-in? "
Ms Esther Tsang, Manager, Climate Change & Sustainability Services, EY
" Sustainability: the missing link "
Mr. Felix Lam, Head of Sustainability, Green Council
English Version Only