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SDG Actions Hong Kong Logo_Final_Web_Trans.png

SDG Actions Hong Kong is open to all corporates, subsidiaries, SMEs, organisations, individuals, and students in Hong Kong who are committed to or have contributed to driving SDGs.


The SDG Actions Hong Kong is an annual registration programme. Interested registrants are required to submit the online registration form here. The SDG Actions Hong Kong Secretariat reserves the final decision on registrant’s eligibility.

Registration Procedure.png

SDG Actions Hong Kong is divided into two registration schedules and requires annual renewal for every registrant to ensure continued alignment with the goals and objectives.

^The registration validity period starts from:
January 1 (for registrations submitted from October to March)
July 1 (for registrations submitted from April to September)

Registration Fee

Listed Company or Large Corporation (Headquarter)
Registration is required by the corporate group.
Annual Registration Fees: HK$600

Subsidiary / Branch of Corporate
Registration is required for each subsidiary or branch. Each subsidiary or branch must register individually.
Annual Registration Fees: HK$600

Small & Medium Sized Enterprise
Manufacturing businesses employing fewer than 100 staffs and non-manufacturing businesses employing fewer than 50 staffs.
Annual Registration Fees: HK$600

Every registered organisation.
Annual Registration Fees: HK$600

General public.
Annual Registration Fees: HK$200

Under the age of 24 who is studying on a full-time basis.
Annual Registration Fees: Free

Obligation of Registrants

Registrants shall at all times:

  • Comply with the Programme Guidelines. SDG Actions Hong Kong Secretariat may amend the Guidelines and the registrants shall comply with the amended guidelines within the time specified by the SDG Actions Hong Kong Secretariat;

  • Allow the SDG Actions Hong Kong Secretariat to publicise or announce the successful registration, suspension and/or termination of the registration status.


The SDG Actions Hong Kong Secretariat may terminate the eligibility if the registrant:

  • Fails to maintain a valid license and/or other permit relating to its business as required under the Laws of Hong Kong; or

  • Fails to demonstrate its practice in SDGs; or

  • Behaves in a manner which jeopardises or damages the reputation or interests of the Green Council, the SDG Actions Hong Kong, the SDG Actions Hong Kong Secretariat or associated activities; or

  • Deliberately supplies information that is inaccurate, incomplete or misleading in the context of implementation of the SDG Actions Hong Kong.

A notice of termination will be sent to the registrant by registered email, should the SDG Actions Hong Kong Secretariat deem that any of the above conditions has been met. Persons objecting to this decision may indicate disagreement, and supply reasons and detailed information for their dispute, in writing to the SDG Actions Hong Kong Secretariat within 14 working days from the date the notice of termination is issued. Information submitted after this period will not be considered. Upon termination / suspension of the registration status, the registrants shall remove the SDG Actions Hong Kong Logo in any material within 1 month.


  1. The information and material contained in this document is for reference only and does not necessarily represent the views and positions of the Green Council.

  2. The SDG Actions Hong Kong Secretariat reserves the right to amend the Programme Guidelines.

  3. Registrants need to ensure the accuracy of their submitted documents.

  4. All submitted information and documents will remain confidential.

  5. The SDG Actions Hong Kong Secretariat strives to ensure the Programme Guidelines are accurate. The SDG Actions Hong Kong Secretariat is not responsible for any expenses or losses resulting from the content.

  6. The SDG Actions Hong Kong Secretariat reserves the right to make final decisions.


電話: +852 3620 2900 / 2810 1122

電郵 :

  • 參加機構須確保提交的資料真確無誤。任何虛假陳述、遺漏或誤導性的資料可能令參加資格被取消

  • 參加機構在評審過程中,須向秘書處提供所需協助

  • 評審團保留最終決定權

  • 參加機構所提交的一切資料及文件,均絕對保密並只用作評審之用途

  • 獎項的得獎者可將獎項的標誌用於文具、宣傳資料以及廣告上。惟得獎者必須依照秘書處的指引,任何有關標誌的爭議,則以秘書處的決定為最終決定,並受其約束

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